
Thursday, November 20, 2003

I used to always yawn a lot, but now it seems like I have CYS - Chronic Yawning Syndrome. I admit that I don't get the recommended nine hours per night, but I don't fall too short and I try to catch up on weekends. So why is it that while my friends can function properly (and with no yawning) on less than 5 hours, I can't even do simple addition with 6 or 7?

Looking back at scholastic examinations, I recall a few where I understood the concepts, was completely capable of achieving a hundred percent, but was somehow miserably unsuccessful. They were the ones I felt confident about. And no, it was not cockiness - it was the lack of sleep. On the majority of the nights prior to the big crash I would stay up unusually late for some stupid reason. I either read an entire novel or sat in front of my computer and waited futilely for a certain somebody to message me (I will dwell on that particular aspect of my life come Valentine's Day). The test day arrives and I would be slow, irritable, and stupid.

The moral of the story: sleep as much as you can.


With that aside, I wish to now bring up the new location for my orthondist elastics (well, not that new). Usually, I would be told to put two near the back of my jaw to correct my overbite, but this time, they are right at the front where it is visible. They're situated so that when I talk or laugh (which I try not to do), my elastics stick out like fangs. Luckily, I started wearing them the day before Halloween, so it seemed somewhat appropriate. Most people gave me odd looks; a few were nice liars who called them 'cute'; one guy asked me what was wrong with my mouth.

The biggest problem was my CYS. When I yawn - meaning, when my body becomes lax and I simultaneously shut my eyes and stretch open my mouth to suck in air, my elastics, being elastics, snap. Now that is very unpleasant. I can already see the comments in my report card.

"Student yawns incessantly during class and sports scary, fang-like elastics which cause a distraction for teachers as well as classmates. Parents/Guardians are advised to make an appointment with the administration to discuss the possibility of an oxygen tank and of an alternate orthodontist treatment."

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